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Dojo was developed by Core Growth Partners, LLC, a People & Organizational Development firm, in response to the void in active, practice-based development for business managers leaders.



Throughout my entire professional career, my role has been focused on creating environments which make individual and organizational change most likely.  I've been an internal and have served as a leadership coach.  I am fixated on the idea that significant and sustained change requires more than the distribution of information.  


My artistic ability is what helped me to dig deep and discover who I am inside. I can’t imagine where I would be without this medium.

As I looked at the people in my life struggling to find themselves, I realized that my creativity could inspire others to look inside and discover what makes them truly happy too.

Everyone has an artist inside. Some of us just need a little more help bringing that inner artist to life. To me, watching others create something they never thought possible is the best feeling in the world.


Be unapologetically you.

There is only one you, and art is a great way to uncover and express who you really want to be deep down.

I believe my paintings not only make the world a better place, but they also shape the people who experience them in beautiful ways. I love that I am able to take it a step further and help other artists find satisfaction in creating their own masterpieces.

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